Candy and Cards Galore!

Before the big day on February 14, we did some fun Valentine's Day activities. Here are some pictures of Alex and Rebecca participating in the Conversation Hearts Chart activity. 


We also spent time decorating Valentine's Day Boxes so that when the day did finally arrive, the students had a way to keep all of their valentines in one place. 

JJ opening his Valentine's Day box and seeing what kind of goodies he received.

Justin tearing into his V-day box! 

RJ checking out the goods on <3 day. 

Rebecca reading a valentine from a classmate. 

Valentine's Day was a super fun day in our class. Mrs. Mathis' class came over to our room around 1:30 for a party and we had tons of delicious treats to eat. (I forgot to snap some pictures from the party) I did want to give a huge thank you to all of the parents who sent in snacks for our party. Your donations are appreciated so much. 

Now, if I can just get over this sinus infection/ear infection/respiratory infection that has had me home bound for 2 days now!! We have Special Olympics: Basketball tomorrow and I don't want to miss that.